Escrow Process for Sellers and Buyers in Real Estate
Rinde Philippe Rinde Philippe

Escrow Process for Sellers and Buyers in Real Estate

Your journey to homeownership in California has begun with your accepted offer. From unraveling the mysteries of escrow to managing closing costs, this comprehensive guide will empower you with knowledge. Explore property inspections and discover essential questions to ask your home inspector. As you navigate the real estate landscape, you'll soon unlock the door to your dream home.

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Understanding Home Seller Closing Costs in California
Rinde Philippe Rinde Philippe

Understanding Home Seller Closing Costs in California

Selling a home in California comes with various closing costs that sellers should be aware of to prepare and budget accordingly. These costs can range from 6% to 10% of the transaction price and include real estate commission fees, prorated property taxes, title insurance, transfer taxes, staging, inspection fees, escrow fees, attorney fees (if applicable), recording fees, wire transfer fees, and homeowner association fees (applicable to condos or townhouses). By understanding these fees and working with a knowledgeable real estate agent, sellers can avoid unpleasant surprises and ensure a successful transaction.

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