Unlock The Door To Your Dream Home
Rinde Philippe Rinde Philippe

Unlock The Door To Your Dream Home

Critical first step of your 2024 homebuying journey with our comprehensive guide to getting pre-approved for a mortgage. Understand the difference between pre-approval. pre-qualification and full approval; why a lender's nod is your key to a successful property purchase. How to stand out.

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Weekly Real Estate Digest Los Angeles
Rinde Philippe Rinde Philippe

Weekly Real Estate Digest Los Angeles

In the realm of economic dynamics, one fact stands tall: historically low levels of unemployment have cast a glimmer of optimism, yet, an undercurrent of concern about an impending recession tugs at our minds. The question begs to be asked: Is a recession truly looming on the horizon?

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Concurrent Home Buying and Selling: Navigating the Process with Ease
Rinde Philippe Rinde Philippe

Concurrent Home Buying and Selling: Navigating the Process with Ease

Buying and selling a home concurrently can be a challenging process. This comprehensive guide explores the different options available, including conventional mortgages, 401(k) loans, bridge loans, and home equity lines of credit, to make the experience smoother and more manageable.

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Foreclosure Numbers Today vs. 2008: Why the Housing Market Looks Different Now
Real estate Los Angeles, Home Buyers Rinde Philippe Real estate Los Angeles, Home Buyers Rinde Philippe

Foreclosure Numbers Today vs. 2008: Why the Housing Market Looks Different Now

Are you worried about the increasing number of foreclosures in today's housing market? The headlines can be terrifying, but don't let them cloud your judgment. While foreclosures may increase over the next few months, it's essential to understand what that means. Don't let fear hold you back from buying a house.

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