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Tips To Maximize Your Sale in Real Estate?

Staging is crucial

Home staging, according to NAR, can have a significant impact on a property's sale. They state that 28% of sellers' agents claim that staging a home raised the property's sale price by 6–10%, while 83% of buyers’ agents claim that staging a home makes it simpler for buyers to see the property as their future home.

Zillow acknowledges the significance of house staging, and they claim that staged homes sell more quickly and profitably than unstaged residences. According to Zillow, staged homes can sell for up to 5% more than the asking price and sell on average 25 days faster than non-staged homes.

Help Buyers Connect Emotionally

Staging aims to present a welcoming, ready-to-move-in property that engages the buyer emotionally. Particularly in living areas, kid's bedrooms, kitchens, and dining rooms, updating décor with trendy, welcoming style can leave a lasting impression. Once interested, purchasers will be more devoted, eager to make a higher offer, and maybe less inclined to change their minds or demand concessions.

Heighten perception of value.

To create the best impression, staging helps to downplay a property's flaws and highlight its assets. Depersonalize and declutter first to get rid of any distractions. Then, remove any outdated window coverings, add a layer of neutral wall color to brighten the room, strategically arrange the furniture, and remove any heavy objects. These straightforward improvements can assist in highlighting the house's unique traits and raise its perceived value.

According to NAR's 2021 Profile of Home Staging, more than a quarter of buyers are more ready to overlook property flaws if a home is staged.

Helping buyers "visualize" a vacant home more clearly

A dark and empty property will attract less attention than one adorned with stylish, exciting furnishings and accessories. It makes a room feel more extensive and welcoming and helps purchasers see the furniture and how it will fit their lifestyle.

Make eye-catching online images to pique interest.

Making a good first impression is crucial, yet it only happens once. According to research from the NAR, 99% of millennial house buyers begin their search online. Even in a competitive market, staging a house can positively affect a buyer's decision to schedule a personal showing and submit an offer.

Staging is an expenditure that can increase the profit on the home sale and typically costs less than the initial price cut. According to Real Estate Staging Association research, roughly 75% of sellers experienced an ROI of 5% to 15% over the asking price, with an average investment of 1% of the sale price into staging.

Jessica Lautz, NAR deputy chief economist and vice president of research. "Buyers want to envision themselves within a new home, and home staging easily is a way to showcase the property in its best light."

Home staging reportedly shortened the time a property spent on the market, according to nearly half (48%) of seller's agents.

Compared to comparable properties on the market that weren't staged, 20% of buyers' and sellers' agents indicated home staging raised the dollar value offered by between 1% and 5%.

According to research, staging the living room is most crucial for attracting buyers (39%), followed by the primary bedroom (36%) and a kitchen (30%).

As a realtor, I highly recommend that homeowners consider the benefits of home staging when preparing their property for sale. By investing in home staging, sellers can increase their chances of attracting potential buyers and maximizing their property's value in the market. If you want to sell your home, I can help you with the staging process and guide you through every step. Please contact me today to learn how I can help you sell your home quickly and for the best possible price.