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Seize the Moment: The Prime Week to List Your Home in 2023

Best time to list your home

The optimum week to market your house is quickly coming, so if you're considering selling this spring, it's time to get moving. experts identified the best week to list a home this year based on seasonal trends from the previous years (excluding 2020 as an outlier due to the start of the pandemic):

“Home sellers on the fence waiting for that perfect moment to sell should start preparations because the best time to list a home in 2023 is approaching quickly. The week of April 16-22 is expected to have the ideal balance of housing market conditions that favor home sellers more than any other week in the year.”

What is the best month to sell a house?

The optimum period for selling a house is in the late spring, especially in May. ATTOM's examination of the single-family house and condo sales over the previous 10 years shows that homes sold in May generate a 12.6 percent seller premium. 

What is the worst time to sell a house? 

ATTOM says October is the worst month to sell a house, with a 5.2 percent seller premium. And in the following months, those premiums remain relatively low. Home-buying activity often slows in December when people are more likely to travel and are preoccupied with holiday celebrations.

Of course, the converse is true if you're a buyer: The chilly months can be a great time to look for a home. Because there are fewer rival buyers, impatient sellers may be more open to negotiating prices or other concessions.

What is the best day of the week to list a house? 

List your house on a Thursday to increase your profits and sell your home swiftly. Redfin and Zillow data indicate that Thursday is the best day for new listings to hit the market because this is when both homebuyers and real estate agents like to schedule their weekend showings.

To optimize their profit, sellers should consider making necessary house improvements, but this process can take some time. Basic decluttering takes time, so plan and complete these tasks before putting your house on the market.

Ensure that you have professional-level listing images taken by experts. According to the National Association of Realtors, data, 96 percent of today's purchasers search for properties online, so presenting your home in the best possible light is critical. 

Bottom Line: Time is critical when selling your property. Thus, strategizing when selling your home is essential to optimize your profit. says the best week to list your house in 2023 is April 16–22. The best month to sell a home is May sells for a premium of 12.6%, while the worst month is October, when the seller premium is only 5.2%. According to Redfin and Zillow, Thursday is the perfect day to list a house because it's when the freshest listings come on the market. Planning, completing the required home upgrades, and making sure listing photos are done by a professional are all essential measures to present

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